Julands Omani Oasis
Country information, history, the Sultan, the religion, the Arabic language, culture, literature and weather.
Information about the sultanate with emphasis on travel, agriculture, heritage and the environment.
Oman Information
Web directory, telephone and email search, job listing, estate services, classified advertisements, web design and hosting. Offers also country information, history and a directory of books about the sultanate.
Oman Studies Centre
A guide to information and web resources on Oman, provided by the Oman Studies Centre, a documentation centre specializing on the Sultanate of Oman.
Oman Yellow Pages
Lists various companies. Offers also Muscat Securities Market data, health related and tourist information.
The Country and People of Oman
One page of comprehensive and categorized listing of sites which covers broad range of topics.
The World Factbook - Oman
Information, facts, and data about the Sultanate of Oman.
WorldRover: Oman
Oman maps, facts, history, travel guides and embassy information.