english deutsch
Arava Institute for Environmental Studies (AIES)
M.S. and M.A. in Desert Studies. Promoting professional cooperation in the Middle East. Describes year program, masters program, faculty, research, student life, field study trips, special programs.
Desert Agriculture: The Introduction of New Crops
Describes ten crops exchanged and field tested by two agricultural environmental schools in Israel and Morocco, including cultivars of argania, neem, carob, Indian date, and Peruvian cactus apple.
Funny Farm
A visit to Elaine Solowey's experimental farm, where she grows Tibetan medicinal herbs, pitaya cactus fruit, and other plants formerly regarded as weeds.
Keren Kolot Educational Institute
Seminars ranging from desert arts to Jewish spirituality, from a few hours to a few weeks, with an emphasis on the natural environment. Includes description of guest facilities.
Kibbutz Ketura
Offers information for volunteers, visitors, and potential members about this kibbutz located 50 kms north of Eilat.
Kibbutz Ketura
Travelogue and photographs from a week that American high school participants in the Nesiya Institute spent at the kibbutz.
Marla Slott
Original oil paintings and watercolors of Israeli desert landscapes by an artist from Kibbutz Ketura.
Miriam Erez Translations
From Hebrew to English. Includes samples of completed work, client testimonials, and description of work practices.
TC-Forum: Not a Bad Life: Notes from Under the Des
Notes about life as a technical writer working from isolated Kibbutz Ketura.
Tel Aviv University News: Kibbutz Moves Up a Degre
Article about a one-year environmental studies program for international students offered jointly by TAU and Kibbutz Ketura's Arava Institute for Environmental Studies (AIES), including quotes from faculty and students.
The New Farm: Seeking life in the desert, on the d
Account of a week spent working with Elaine Solowey in her experimental orchard, working to find practical solutions for sustainable small-scale agriculture in marginal conditions.
The Source: Oasis in the Desert
Short article on tree crops being developed at Ketura's desert orchard, including pitaya from the American Southwest, neem from India, and marula from Botswana.
The Text Store
English-language technical writing and proofreading, specializing in software manuals and online help, computer hardware, tourism, and the Internet. Also provides search engine positioning and web site design.