english deutsch
BBC Country Profile: Israel
Historical, political and general information, statistics and photographs presented by the British Broadcasting Corporation.
DAN Transportation
Tel Aviv bus company pages in the English language. (Hebrew also available)
Facts About Israel
Find information about Israel's culture, education, government and society.
Gems in Israel
A directory and regular e-zine giving information about places in Israel that a tourist wouldn't normally know about.
Frequently updated list of Jewish and Israeli sites.
Israel - A Country Study
Provides a country overview including geographical, social, and governmental aspects.
Israel web directory and guide, includes links to Israeli radio stations, news and media.
Kol Israel
Links to Israeli web sites includes news and radio from Israel.
Jewish and Israel directory with thousands of links.
NU? - The JAFI Portal
Web portal sponsored by the Jewish Agency.
The Source: Israel Online Magazine
Monthly free online magazine that profiles the foods, peoples, arts and volunteer opportunities for virutal and actual visitor to Israel.
WorldRover Guide: Israel
Israel maps, facts, history, embassy information, and travel guides available for purchase.