Ali Ismail Abbas
Provides news articles from the international press on the situation in Iraq, with focus on the 12-year old boy who lost his entire family and both arms. Includes links for partner sites and information on making donations.
Assisting Marsh Arabs and Refugees
AMAR International provides humanitarian aid for arab refugees from Iraq living in refugee camps in neighboring Iran. Information on activities and projects.
CARE International in Iraq
Offers statements on the conflict, press releases and information on projects.
EU Humanitarian Aid Office: Iraq
ECHO provides information on the situation, on past and future projects. Includes maps and links.
Guardian: Aid for Iraq
Includes latest news, commentary, analysis and external links.
Human Rights Watch: Forcible Expulsion of Ethnic M
The report published in march 2003 provides information on so-called arabization and forcible expulsion under the Ba´ath regime, and recommends to the occupying powers and the future Iraqi government to establish a mechanism that will permit the orderly return of the people expulsed from their homes since 1991.
Humanitarian Information Centre for Iraq (HIC)
UN service for the coordination of humanitarian aid. The stored information and documentation of activities in Iraq has been updated untill autumn 2003.
Internally Displaced People in Iraq
Resources covering all issues related with the situation of refugees in the country.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cres
Information on the Red Crescent Society in the country, report on the country assistance strategy, and appeals and reports since 1996.
International Rescue Committee: Iraq
Information on the most importent humanitarian concerns, resources, press releases and links for further reading.
Iraq Water Project
A project by Veterans for Peace (VFP) to rebuild water treatment plants in different cities and provinces. Includes information on the repaired facilities, and reports by the teams on the experiences made.
Islamic Relief: Iraq
Country facts, information on the present situation, a statement on the ongoing conflict and donations.
Medical Aid for Iraqi Children (MAIC)
Information about their activities supporting and supplying Iraqi hospitals treating children. Includes newsletter and fundraising information.
Oxfam: Iraq
Provides information on the current programme and publications for download.
Preparing for the Humanitarian Consequences of Pos
Report of the International Development Committee to the House of Commons.
ReliefWeb: Iraq
Latest news and an extensive collection of external links for background information.
The International Committee of the Red Cross in Ir
Describes its activities in the country and provides news, documents and operational updates. With photo gallery.
Offers latest news and press information, reports on projects and resources. With photo essays and stories of Iraqi children.
United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI)
The one-year follow-through mission in the wake of the Oil-for-Food programme commenced operations in September 2003. It provides access to extensive information on the situation on the ground and help for coordination of humanitarian efforts. Offers meeting schedules, contact database, news and briefings by UN agencies, a collection of maps and media centre.
US Agency for International Development (USAID): H
Provides information and contingency plans, and information on the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART). Includes press briefings, speeches and links for related resources.
US Committee for Refugees: Iraq
Offers information on numbers and conditions of Iraqi Refugees and the countries hosting them. Includes press releases and letters advocating the rights of refugees.