Aims to encourage churches to reconsider global mission and helps to equip those who want to get involved. Overview, publications, covenant, stories and events.
In Ministry to Children
Seeks to provide relief for children at risk through poverty, neglect or abuse in Colombia, South America and to share the Christian gospel. Overview, problem, solution and contact.
Interserve England and Wales
Local section of international mission agency. Assist local churches to address cross-cultural mission activity and support missionary partners in the Arab and Asian world. Overview, action, resources and news.
MMA HealthServe
Encourages Christians in healthcare to serve in medical missions in the developing world. Vacancies overseas for doctors, nurses, midwives, dentists and medical professionals.
OMS International (UK)
UK branch of an organisation sending missionaries from 6 countries to 19 countries around the world. Information about activities, and requests for support.
UK Ukraine ministries
UK-based missions site focussing on the Ukraine