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Agenda For Prophets
Seeks to articulate a prophetic perspective on church affairs and on wider social, cultural and political issues. Articles, archive, quotes and contact.
Capuchin Franciscans of Great Britain
History, formation and current information on the Capuchin Franciscans, their Friaries, their works and their way of life.
Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and W
Officers, departments, agencies, photo directory of bishops, map of dioceses, press releases. Some frequently-requested documents from 1994 to the present are available online.
Catholic Charismatic Renewal in England
Official site of the National Service Committee. Information on the renewal in England and beyond, coming events, news, testimonies, articles, prayer requests.
Catholic Record Society
Historical society devoted to the study of this church in the British Isles from the Reformation period to the present day. Includes an index of the society's extensive record holdings, publications and awards.
Claretian Missionaries
Founded by the missionary priest Anthony Claret; focuses on mission and prayer. Bible readings, mission, prayer and contact.
Society of Our Lady of Lourdes
A charity that organises pilgrimages for the sick to Lourdes and Aylesford.
Society of St Pius X in Great Britain
Training for the catholic priesthood not in communion with Rome. Includes articles, newsletter, directory of society churches and mass centres in England, Scotland, and Wales.
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Great Brita
Apostolic Exarchy of Great Britain.
Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Founded to promote interest in and study of Thomas Merton and his concerns throughout Britain.