Campaign for Labour Party Democracy
Founded in 1973, the CLPD is a pressure group within the Labour Party advocating changes in the party to make it more accountable to rank-and-file party members.
Chartist Magazine
Chartist promote debate amongst people active in radical politics about the contemporary relevance of democratic socialism across the spectrum of politics, economics, science, philosophy, art and inter-personal relations.
Compass: direction for the democratic left
Membership organisation within the Labour Party aiming at democratic reforms - seeking to develop an ideological vision for the good society.
Computing For Labour
An organization within the British Labour Party whose aim is to help all levels of the Party to use computer technology effectively to achieve the Party's objectives.
Fabian Society
An affiliate of Labour which has evolved into a left of centre think tank conducting research into political ideas and public policy reform. Includes an on-line ordering service for various publications.
Institute for Public Policy Research
Centre-left think tank which is influential with the Labour Party.
Labour In Northern Ireland
Our objective is to gain the right of individual membership of the Labour Party for people living in Northern Ireland.
Labour Left Briefing
Left-of-centre advocates within the Labour Party.
Labour Reform - Democratic Socialist Network
All Labour Party members are invited to join us campaiging for a more transparent, democratic and socialist Labour Party.
Labour Research Department
An independent, trade union based research organization. Publications included Labour Research, Bargaining Report, Fact Service and LRD Booklets. LRD also provides electronic services, such as a full-text publications database, to its affiliates via the web.
Labour Small Business Forum
Discussion of Labour's policy as it affects small businesses.
New Socialist Network
The purpose of the Network is to reform the Labour Party by formulating underlying principles for the theory and practice of New Socialism in the light of social change.
Save the Labour Party
An organisation campaigning to rebuild an active party membership and renew the Labour Party's internal democracy.
Scientists for Labour
An organization open to members or supporters of the Labour Party who are interested or involved in UK science and technology. Established at the 1994 Labour Party Conference.
Second Term
Information about a key network of Blairite activists within the British Labour Party and their objectives.
Socialist Appeal
Monthly magazine aims to "commit the Labour government to introduce bold socialist measures." Published by the Marxist tendency within the Labour Party led by Ted Grant and Allan Woods.
Socialist Campaign Group
Group of left wing Labour MPs advocating socialist policies.
Socialist Environment and Resources Association
SERA is the environment campaign affiliated to the British Labour Party, yet is an independent think tank and green pressure group.
Socialist Health Association
The Socialist Health Association promotes health and well-being and the eradication of inequalities, in the UK and worldwide, through the application of socialist principles to society and government. The site includes discussions of policies on a wide range of issues.
The Bevin Society
Comment and analysis on political, social and economic events from a left perspective.
The Christian Socialist Movement
Based in Britain and active in the Labour Party, the CSM is in a tradition that stretches back to the early church. "We all share a belief in justice, peace and the wholeness of creation."
The Ernest Bevin Society
Named after the reforming cabinet minister in Attlee's Labour government the EBS advocates "old Labour" policies within Tony Blair's New Labour party. Site contains reprints of magazine articles from the 80s to the present.
The Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform
Labour is committed to a referendum on the voting system for the House of Commons; join the moral crusade to change the way we practise politics.
Independent weekly newspaper produced by left-wing Labour Party members, also serves as a pressure group within the party.