english deutsch
BBC: Duke 'would break law' over hunting
The Duke of Devonshire says he will allow fox hunting on his land - even if it is made illegal.
BBC: Hunt protesters on the march
Union of Country Sports Workers opposing a ban on hunting with dogs marched in London as part of a wider series of demonstrations to be staged through the summer.
BBC: Pro-hunting protesters threaten further actio
Protesters who blocked roads around the UK in support of fox hunting are threatening further action.
Independent: Animal rights groups' fury at mi
Nigel Morris, political correspondent. Discusses the possible delay in any bill about foxhunting in England and Wales due to the current court case about the ban in Scotland.
Independent: You'd better get used to living
Terence Blacker. A look at the current town and country fox epidemic and what it may mean for the future of the fox.
Spectator: Mad about foxes
Leader. What is it that makes decent ladies of the shires line up outside Huntingdon Life Sciences and chant along with the low-lifers of the Animal Liberation Front, or kindly suburban folk leave out food scraps for mangy, verminous foxes, and any rats which might like to take advantage too? Clearly, not all the above are motivated by a dislike of humanity, but there is a discernible streak of self-hate in the changing attitudes of Western people towards animals.
Telegraph Outdoors: Country diary: foxes
Robin Page. Local and imported town foxes cause problems for free-range hens and geese.
Telegraph: Hunt ban 'threat to 15,000 horses
At least six former senior League Against Cruel Sports members, including two former chief executives, a director and a treasurer, have left the League because they now believe a hunting ban would inflict cruelty on a greater number of animals than a continuation of hunting.
Telegraph: Hunt campaign hits Piccadilly
Becky Barrow. Fifty riders dressed in hunting pink or tweeds will parade down Piccadilly on Wednesday afternoon in a re-enactment of the 1949 farmers' protest against plans to ban hunting.
Telegraph: Hunt supporters ride on Parliament in s
In a re-enactment of the 1949 farmers' protest against moves to end their sport, demonstrators made their way from Hyde Park Corner to Parliament, where one of the three surviving members of the original protest handed over a letter urging the Government to abandon plans for a hunting ban.
The Guardian: Pro-hunt militants target Labour MPs
David Hencke, Westminster correspondent. Reports of attacks on constituency offices of four Labour MPs in the North of England by members of the Real Countryside Alliance.
Times: Reynard, the asylum-seeker
Leader. Describes the problems due to the increase in urban foxes, and the 'natural' culling by traffic and mange.
Times: Urban foxes in brush with civilisation
Valerie Elliott. Discusses problems and concerns about urban foxes raised by the recent attack by a fox on a 15-week-old baby in Kent.
Times: Woman is hurt in pro-hunt protest
A pro-hunting demonstrator was injured when she was hit by an RSPCA van in London, driven by an inspector who was accompanied by a police officer. The vehicle was following about 80 riders protesting against plans to end field sports.