Guardian - Converted hunter who found killing a dr
Peter Hetherington.
Guardian - Hunters of the tribe
Mary Siani-Davies.
Guardian - Should we ban hunting?
Ann Widdecombe (yes) and Henry Porter (no).
Guardian - Welcome to my hunt ball
Leanda de Lisle.
New Statesman: The slow death of an ancient cultur
Farming can be hard and lonely work with limited rewards. And no matter how powerful their traditions as providers, no one likes to feel so violently unwanted or, worse, misunderstood. An exodus of people off the land is already beginning, and while numbers are too small for that to develop into anything more than a trickle, a significant trend is being set. A ban on fox-hunting will bring to the boil much that is simmering just below the surface.
Telegraph - Pro-hunt RSPCA members denied 'ex
Charles Clover and Charlie Methven.