english deutsch
Polari, A Dictionary of Slang, Cockney Rhyming Slang, Cockney Rhyming Slang, Cockney Rhyming Slang Game, London Slang, Merseytalk
Dialectology - Fishermen's Dialect and Glossa
Thesis on fishermen's dialect on the Southeast coast of Scotland and a glossary of fish names in Scotland from the 1920s.
English Accents and Dialects
Extracts from the Survey of English Dialects and the Millennium Memory Bank document how the English spoke and lived in the 20th century.
Lancashire Dialect Society
Membership information and some texts in the dialect.
Norfolk England Dialect
Pauline Dodd's page about the intricacies of the Norfolk dialect, including a wav file of Keith Skipper, journalist with the Eastern Daily Press and author of 'Larn Yourself Norfolk'.
Talk Tidy. The Language of South Wales as an Art F
A humorous dictionary of the English dialect used in and around the valleys of South Wales.
Translate your English phrase, email or text message into a variety of different British dialects including Geordie, Cockney Rhyming Slang, Irish, Brummie, Scottish, Scouse, Posh and Ali G.
Yorkshire Dialect Society
Scholarly society meets four times a year. Publishes an annual journal, "Transactions of the Yorkshire Dialect Society."