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Amnesty International UK GLBT Network
A network for members who share a particular interest in human rights violations based on sexual orientation.
Equality Network
Scotland's national LGBT campaigns group. EN works through a campaign network of groups and individuals to facilitate and catalyse equality campaigns.
Gay Conservatives
News articles and information about their campaigns. Separate member areas require registration.
Labour Campaign for Lesbian and Gay Rights
Campaigning organisation for lesbians, gays and bisexuals in the Labour Party.
LAGER: Lesbian and Gay Employment Rights
Offers news, advice service, training courses and employment rights under the law. Archives of past newsletters
Liberal Democrats for Lesbian and Gay Action (DELG
Promotes awareness of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and issues within the Liberal Democrat party, and promotes the party and its policies within those communities.
Instead of campaigning for new laws to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation only, OutRage! is working for an Equal Rights Act that protects all citizens (including lesbians and gay men) against all forms of discrimination, harassment, and incitement to hatred.
London-based lobbying group working for lesbian and gay equality.