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BBC: Scotland the Wild
A guide to animals and habitats from the makers of the TV series. Contains facts and images for hundreds of species, plus features, programme details, and the interactive program Wildlife Explorer.
Caring for the Scottish Wildcat
Relates the history of the species and describes habitat, behaviour, morphology and the main threats. Includes details of how people can help.
Malloch Society
A group of entomologists working on the study of Diptera (two-winged flies). Includes species information, news, features, details of projects and publications, and links to related sites.
Red Squirrels In South Scotland
Involved in the conservation and raising awareness amongst landowners and those involved in timber production.
Scotlands Wildlife
Brief introduction, including pictures, of some of the wildlife of Scotland.
Scottish Wildlife Trust
Voluntary conservation organisation, caring for wildlife reserves and campaigning on wildlife issues. Includes details of species, habitats, protected areas, educational resources, publications and events.
The Syrphus Pages
Personal site on aspects of the natural history of Scotland, including information about bees, hoverflies, and lichens.
Wildlife Scotland
From the National Tourism Board. Contains species and habitat information, advice on seasonal viewing opportunities and responsible watching, links to webcams, and accommodation search.