Asbestos Action
Assist sufferers of asbestos related diseases. Contact information.
Couple Counsellling
Offer confidential counselling and psychosexual therapy to couples or individuals. Contact details.
Department of Anaesthesia, Ninewells Hospital and
Based in Dundee providing information for NHS and academic staff and students.
Little Wing
Set up to establish a voice for those with experience of mental health difficulties. Support groups information and discussion board.
Priority First Training
Offers SVQs in care and management, a variety of short courses, and modern apprenticeships in care. Includes description of programs, testimonials, frequently asked questions, and client list.
Tayside Health Council
Providing a service where the public in Tayside, Angus and Perth and Kinross can comment on any health-related issue in the area.
Tayside Health Promotion Centre
Promotes a healthy lifestyle to the people of Tayside, Angus and Perth and Kinross.
Tayside Kidney Patients Association
Charity ran by kidney patients, their families and carers. Provides support and information for kidney patients, their families and all who care for them.
Tayside NHS Board
Providing news, services and feedback about health to the people of Tayside, Angus and Perth and Kinross.