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Baden-Powell, Lessons from the Varsity of Life
Comments on importance of fox-hunting.
D'ye ken John Peel?
Lyrics and history of this famous song and 'Horn of the Hunter'. Listen to the melody on Windows Media Player.
Did ye ken John Peel wid his cwote sae grey?
In the Cumbrian dialect, taken from original manuscript.
Exmoor Oral History Archive: Tom Yandle (18 Octobe
Summary of his oral history recordings about his life of hunting including his chairmanship of the Devon and Somerset Staghounds and the Masters of Deer Hounds Association. He was also High Sheriff of Somerset and on both the National Trust and National Park Committees.
Hughes, Branston`s Pickles - The Diary of an Engli
Foxhunting stories (1995-present) from the point of view of the horse. Includes pictures of the "author" and his friends, including Peter Hughes of Bath, Somerset.
Hunting Poetry
Selection of poems about the fox and foxhunting by WB Yeats, Rudyard Kipling, Adam Lindsay Gordon, Will H Ogilvie, Beatrice Holden, Phil Stevenson, Miss M. Wynter, D.W. Nash, Whyte-Melville and John Masefield.
John Peel: The Man and the Song
A short history by Steve Bulman from Cumbria, UK.
Kipling - The Fox Meditates
Poem by Rudyard Kipling reflecting on the history of fox hunting in England.
Sassoon, The Old Huntsman
Poem by Siegfried Sassoon from his book of poetry The Old Huntsman and Other Poems (1918).
The Toll Gate: Fox-Hunting
Background information and historical notes about foxhunting as used in Georgette Heyer's novel The Toll Gate, written in 1953 and set in 1817.