Calton Protestant Defenders
Orange Order message board from Glasgow, Scotland. News articles and discussions concerning the order and loyalists in Ulster, Scotland and worldwide.
Mainlanders Loyalist Forum
Discusses issues such as Ulster, Loyalism and Unionism. Contains an open message board and a password protected forum.
Paisley Loyal
Topical Loyalist discussion from this Scottish based forum.
Yahoo! Groups : Scotch-Irish
This is a group promoting and discussing Ulster-Scots culture, history, music, arts and language.
Yahoo! Groups : Ulster-Scots
Discussing issues such as Orangeism (the loyal protestant fraternal order), the Apprentice Boys of Derry, The "12th" of July celebrations, marching traditions and bands, and football clubs with Loyalist or Protestant history.
Yahoo! Groups: UVF
Discussion in support of this paramilitary group.