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Chats and Forums
Calton Protestant Defenders, Mainlanders Loyalist Forum, Paisley Loyal, Yahoo! Groups : Scotch-Irish, Yahoo! Groups : Ulster-Scots, Yahoo! Groups: UVF
British Ulster Alliance
UK mainland organisation supporting Ulster loyalism. Brief articles, news, merchandise and links.
Brummie Loyal
Contains information on mainland supporters and links. Home of the English Loyalist Association.
Cyber Loyalists
Pictures from parades across Ulster and Scotland and links to other loyalist sites.
East Belfast Concerned Womens Group
Information about the voluntary work of the group working for local regeneration.
Friends of Ulster
Provides news and articles which aim to counter alleged distortion by the media and the UK government.
King and Crown
British Canadian Loyalist site, providing information on the cause worldwide.
Loyalist & Orange Information Services
Facts, songs, articles, resources and links to other loyalist and orange sites.
Loyalist FM
Online loyalist radio station and chat forum.
Loyalist Idealogical Education
Political, cultural, historical and ideological articles from a Loyalist perspective plus various murals and links.
Loyalist Murals
Mural pictures, with information on Bloody Friday, Drumcree, the Omagh bomb, and loyalist paramiltiary figures.
Loyalist Music Archive
Archive of local unpublished loyalist bands, orange music and Ulster folk music.
Loyalist View
Information about the UVF, LVF and Orange Volunteers.
Loyalist Voice
Focuses on the Orange Volunteer paramilitary group and Loyalist Prisoners aid.
Noraid Watch
Aims to investigate the US group Noraid also known as the Irish Northern Aid Committee.
Portadown Loyalist News
Latest news and information concerning the ongoing protest by Portadown District LOL No. 1 over Garvaghy Road Nationalists blocking their traditional church service parade.
Scottish Loyalists
Articles on the Orange Order, Apprentice Boys, the Loyal Orders, Scottish and Ulster history and the Loyalist paramilitaries.
Scottish Protestant Union
A selection of flags, badges, music, books and bibles.
Sinn Fein and the 'so called resident groups&
A personal view of the opposition to parades by resident groups.
Sinn Fein IRA Exposed
Biographies of Sinn Fein members from a loyalist perspective.
The Loyalist Network
Articles, news, events/protest listings, flute band mp3 downloads and history section. Also features Drumcree pictures, document texts, message board and chat room.
The Loyalist's Lair
Information and links for British Canadian Loyalists.
The Troubles in Northern Ireland 1969 to 2002
Loyalist site listing IRA attacks during this period of time, with photographs, eyewitness accounts and memorials to the dead.
The Volunteer
Articles, opinions, dedications and events listings.
Tigersbay Website
Articles on the Apprentice Boys and the local Junior Orange Lodge.
Ulster Culture
Features a loyalist perspective on the history and culture of the country, with a forum, chat, articles and links.
Ulster Defence Regiment
Looks at the history of this controversial British army regiment from a supportive point of view.
Ulster is British Soil
Information on loyalist flags, drumcree, paramilitaries, history, and the Orange Order.
Ulster Political Research Group
Information on the situation in Northern Ireland from a loyalist perspective. The UPRG is linked with the Ulster Defence Association.
Ulster Protestant Movement for Justice
Human rights organisation promoting a loyalist viewpoint. Features articles, news and humour, with a mailing list.
Union Jack Shop
Loyalist, football and Orange souvenirs, flags, music, clothing and books.
A personal homepage about the Ulster Volunteer Force.
Focusing on the UVF, its youth wing the YCV and also the Red Hand Commandos. History of the organisation in the Larne area, songs, murals and memorials.