english deutsch
Provider of benchmarking services to small and medium enterprises.
Centre for Competitiveness
Provides events calendar and details of services offered.
Choose Enterprise
Offering advice, help and support for young people thinking about setting up their own business.
Department of Economic Development
Describes the role of the DEDNI, the main Government Department in Northern Ireland concerned with economic development.
Dungannon Enterprise Centre
Aims to help new business start up and to encourage existing businesses to expand, as well as encourage the development of the local economy.
Rural development agency that develop and implement sustainable solutions to local rural development issues.
Contains information on the proposed building of a sophisticated new water treatment works to replace the existing Fofannybane plant sited in the western Mournes area.
Friends of Belfast
An initiative which fosters partnerships with key persons across all sectors, for the promotion of business opportunities and investment links between Belfast and North America.
Business development body, promoting North-South trade by building business capability and competitiveness.
Ireland North West
This web site highlights what the North West of Ireland has to offer companies who want to invest there.
Manufacturing Technology Partnership
Improving the competitiveness of manufacturing industry by enabling companies to profit from the implementation of technology. Includes details of services, training seminars, talks and previous clients.
Mentor Economic Developments Limited
Consultancy specialising in business and economic development. Features company profile, portfolio and details of services offered. Located in Belfast and Newry.
New Directions
Provides information about the Regional Action Plan developed by the enterprise partnership in the North West region. Includes details of services and training, including those for women.
Northern Ireland Business Start Programme
Information about the free training and support programme for people wishing to start their own business.
Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Representing every sector of the business community. Includes events diary, services, news and publications.
Northern Ireland Economic Council
Independent advisory body. Includes events, reports and contacts.
Northern Ireland Quality Council
Includes meetings, contacts and mailing list.
Small Business Agency
Responsible for the establishment and expansion of small businesses. The site contains information and advice on setting up small businesses and expansion.
Start a Business Programme Web Packages
Registration based service helping new-start companies market themselves on the Internet. Service available to GoForIt Start a Business Programme (SABP) participants.
Startingabusiness in Ireland.com
Provides information, resources and advice on starting a business in ireland.
Ulster Business Magazine
Information on and articles from the independent publication. Includes a discussion forum.
Ulster Community Investment Trust
Provider of loan facilities, equity investments and free support and mentoring to the community economic development sector. Includes background, staff profiles and information on making an application.