Balmoral Hotel
Provides information about the accommodation, bars, restaurant and function facilities.
Beechlawn House Hotel
Provides online booking and contact information.
Benedict's Hotel
Details of the facilities, location and rates for this hotel, restaurant and bar complex, and a booking enquiries form.
Crescent Townhouse
Features a description of the rooms, online booking and reviews, plus information about the bar and restaurant.
Europa Hotel
Details, facilities, room rates and an online booking facility.
Holiday Inn
Details of the bedrooms, dining room, conference facilities and health club.
Jury's Inn
Details of location, facilities and rates, and online reservations.
Lansdowne Court Hotel
Details of their location and facilities, room rates, and a contact phone number and email-to-fax form.
Cafe bar, nightclub and hotel. Includes menus, events guide, room facilities, tariffs and online booking.
Malone Lodge Hotel and Apartments
Includes a guide to the accommodation and conference facilities, as well as online booking.
Mooney Hotel Group
Offers hospitality in two 4 star hotels, both located in within the Belfast area.
Park Avenue Hotel
Features news and events, plus information about the restaurants, accommodation and function facilities.
Stormont Hotel
Details of the facilities, room rates and an online booking facility.
The Fitzwilliam International Hotel
Situated at Belfast International Airport. Description of services and facilities. Online availability checks and booking.
Wellington Park Hotel
Provides details of the 4 star accommodation, plus restaurants, bars and function facilities.