english deutsch
Antibiotics: Don't wear me out
An information leaflet from the UK Department of Health on the effectiveness and correct use of antibiotics.
Community Hygiene Concern
A registered UK charity providing information on diseases caused by parasites or by poor hygiene, affecting people and pets. Good information about head lice and how to get rid of them.
Food Forum
Comprehensive site about food education, produced by a former specialist food teacher. Aimed at parents and teachers.
Provides food safety tips and advice, aimed at children.
Mind, Body and Soul: Homepage
Website providing health information based on the National Curriculum for Key Stage 4 pupils - 14 -16 year olds. Links to a variety of clear, relevant websites.
No Smoking Day
Held on the second Wednesday of March every year. This is the official Web site to support people who want to stop smoking on this day.
Smoking: Don't give up giving up
Official site produced by the NHS Health Education Authority. Useful advice on how to give up and you can ask for regular supportive e-mails.
Think About Drink
Information site by the Health Education Council aimed at young people. Count your units, read tales from the dark side and try the quiz.