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Support Groups
Enlighten, Epilepsy Connections, Epilepsy Support, Epilepsy West Lothian, Friends of Landau-Kleffner Syndrome, Mersey Region Epilepsy Association, South Wirral Epilepsy Support Group
Epilepsy - the Information
Information about the condition, with advice and guidance for those affected by it; includes specific information on Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP).
Epilepsy Action
Provides information and advice for people with epilepsy. Includes forum, details of freephone and email helplines, and sections for children and teenagers with the condition.
Epilepsy Bereaved
Charity working towards prevention of deaths from epilepsy through raising awareness and promoting research into SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy); also offers support to those affected.
Epilepsy Week
An annual national health campaign aimed at raising awareness of the condition. Information provided by the BBC.
Resource created by parents of children with epilepsy. Information regarding medication, financial support, alternative medicines and diet.
Equip - Epilepsy
The NHS Electronic Quality Information for Patients (Equip) project provides a directory of links with information for patients and carers.
F.A.B.L.E - For a Better life with Epilepsy
Organization whose mission is to promote and fund Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy for those with epilepsy uncontrolled by medication alone. Offers help and support to potential patients and their families, linking families in similar situations through a patient support network.
Joint Epilepsy Council
National umbrella body enabling its member organisations to work together for the benefit of people with epilepsy. Information about activities, grants and bursaries, and their newsletter.
The Epilepsy Research Foundation
A charity funding research into epilepsy provides information about the condition and therapies, and their activities.
The Fund for Epilepsy
Promotes research, teaching and awareness of epilepsy. Information about their activities, and the research institutions they support.
The National Society for Epilepsy
Information on epilepsy, including causes of seizures, diagnosis, treatment of epileptic seizures, and lifestyle issues. Also includes a discussion forum.
The UK Epilepsy and Pregnancy Register
Part of a study in conjunction with the British Neurological Surveillance Unit to collect information about the safety of anti-epileptic drugs in pregnancy. Information and membership details.