Calthorpe School
An all age (2-19) co-educational Special School. The school caters for children with a wide range of educational difficulties.
Edgbaston High School
An independent day school for girls. There are three departments catering for children between 3 and 18. Site includes Old Girls Association news-letter.
Hallmoor School
A maintained special school for pupils between 5 and 19 years with moderate learning difficulties or difficulties such as sensory impairments, and speech and language difficulties.
James Brindley School
Has sites across the city, including sectors in children's hospital wards, with a role to educate children who are unable to attend mainstream classes because of health related needs.
Longwill School for the Deaf
A bi-lingual BSL-English primary school serving the Birmingham area.
Selly Oak School
A specialist school teaching students with learning difficulties.
Wilson Stuart School
School for children of 2 to 19 with physical disabilities.