english deutsch
Disability Resources
Any Body Can, Northern Advisory Group on Disability, RVI.org, SignPost BSL
North East England History Pages, Tyneside Life and Times
Personal Pages
Bob and Jude, Dennis Westage, George Pollard Tribute Site, Giles Wright, Helen's Concert Archive, John Heckels' Genealogical Interests, Linda Butler, Listed Abive, Northumberlandstreet.com, Paul and Becs
Beit Yeshua - North-East Messianic Fellowship, Metro Church, Northern Baptist Association, Revival In The North-East Of England, Roman Catholic Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, Saint Cuthbert's RC Church
David Clelland MP
Member of Parliament for Tyne Bridge. News and information about his work in promoting the interests of the people of Gateshead and Newcastle.
English to Geordie Translator
A humorous conversion of English to Geordie, a dialect of Northumbria, North East England.
Geordie Website
Local history, folklore and photographs of the area.
Geordieland: Home of the Gods
The concept of 'Geordie' defined, with information about the local area, history, humour, songs, photographs and links.
Site showcasing community activities in Killingworth. Community initiatives, council services, uniformed organisations and social groups are all covered.
Northumbrian Folk Tales
Traditional folk tales, songs, poems and rhymes from around the north east.
RAF Blakelaw
Take a tour around an old RAF Fighter Command bunker based at Kenton Bar, Newcastle upon Tyne. Includes maps and photographs.
TWAFA - Tyne and Wear Anti Fascist Association
Providing information and news about anti fascism in the north east region.
Tyne and Wear Archives Service
Lists the holdings which may be of value to family and local history researchers.
Youth Information Service
Gateway providing useful links to information for young people.