Church Energy Trust
Provides a free environmental energy management and consultancy service to the church. Overview, services and contact.
City Church Newcastle
Part of the New Frontiers family of churches. Information about their work and ministry.
Compassion Buddhist Centre
Buddhist meditation and relaxation classes. Non buddhists welcome. Background information and study details.
Coptic Orthodox Church of Newcastle
Information on the church in specific and the Coptic Church in general. Coptic language, church activities, "kids' corner" and contact details.
Heaton Baptist Church
Information about the ministry, its history, and activities.
ixth Hour
Monthly Christian youth event at Newcastle City Hall. Run by Youth for Christ with regulars y-friday and Dependance plus guests.
Jesmond Methodist Church
Offers church details, services, Junior church, events, prayer board, history, other groups, links, location and contacts.
Newcastle Buddhist Centre
Offers a variety of courses in meditation and Buddhism to suit both beginners and the more experienced practitioner. Includes class schedules and background information.
Newcastle MethSoc
Ecumenical society at both the universities. Aims, magazine, termcard, prayer request, committee, photos links, map, contact and meeting times.
Saint Aidan's church
Mass times, parish news, photo gallery, church activities, parish history. Located in Benton.
Saint Bede's
Catholic church covering the areas of Denton Burn and Scotswood. Mass times, devotions, newsletter, primary school, Good Shepherd Sisters, youth group, parish history, deanery Mass times, confirmation course.
St Charles Catholic Church
Mass times, contact details, parish groups, parish history and location. In Gosforth.
St John the Evangelist
Joint Anglican, Baptist, Methodist and United Reformed church. Services, vision statement, groups, hall bookings, prayer page, location and contact.
St Mary's Cathedral
Cathedral Church of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle. Details of services, history and an online tour.
St Tom's Players
Performs challenging plays in the church setting, providing artistic and spiritual experience, and to raise money for charity. Details of shows, original scripts, members and photographs.
Yin and dynamic hatha yoga classes conducted by Sudãka. Class details plus retreats and workshops.
Trinity Church, Gosforth
Joint Methodist and United Reformed church. Services, events, younger church, activities, history, publications, Links and location.