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Amitabha Kadampa Buddhist Meditation Centre
Details of classes, events, teachers, contact and location information.
Astanga Vinyasa Yoga
Hatha Yoga classes, workshops, retreats around UK, Egypt, and India. Information on location, schedule, and content. One to one tuition in Somerset and Wiltshire.
Bude Methodist Circuit
Lies along the north Devon & north Cornwall coastline and stretches between Hartland to the north and Poundstock in the south with eleven churches. Staff, plan and churches.
Catholic Diocese of Clifton
Bristol, Gloucestershire, Somerset, and Wiltshire. Parish directory, contact information, press releases, vacancies and forthcoming events.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Plymouth
Covers Cornwall, Devon and Dorset, listing organisations, schools, parishes and churches.
United Reformed Church South Western Synod
Contacts, geographical coverage, local churches and news.