english deutsch
FootPrints Walking Holidays
Guided walking tours in the South Downs of England, including the South Downs Way.
High Weald Landscape Trail
The 90-mile trail links the ridge top villages and the historic gardens of Sussex and Kent .
Salisbury, Wessex and the New Forest
Contains details of several walks in this area.
South East National Trails
Information about: The Thames Path, The Ridgeway, The North Downs Way and The South Downs Way.
Sussex Pathfinders Rambling Club
Profile, events, walks calendar, news and FAQ with message board.
Trails in the South East
Describes a number of routes in the region.
Walks, Travels and Fly Fishing in the UK and Europ
Detailed walks in SE England, with information on pubs, churches and local history. Travelogue, and game fishing trips with information on venues. Photos included.