english deutsch
Harlequin Bowmen
Archery club. Describes the club and its activities and events with photos and competition results. [Requires Internet Explorer]
Harwell Art
Features work of Jean Wernham. Themes include animals, portraits, and winter glass. Profile and gallery.
Harwell Badminton Club
Includes club location, membership fees and contact information.
Harwell Dental Practice
Offers private treatment. Includes qualifications, financial information, frequently asked questions and news.
Harwell Dosimeters
Manufacturer of dosimeter systems, mainly for use in the sterilisation of medical equipment. Profile, product range and FAQ.
Harwell School
Information on staff, classes, sports, clubs and projects.
Mouse Genome Centre
Undertake a range of research including molecular genetics, genomics, mutagenesis, transgenesis and informatics. Includes mapping research and projects, and sequencing program.
Links to the science and technology research centres operated by the UK Atomic Energy Authority.