Alcohol and Drugs Abstinence Service
Offers day and evening rehabilitation sessions for addicts and their families who are dependent on a substance, whether it be prescribed or illegal.
An approach to stopping smoking using imagery and breathing techniques to allow the smoker to take control and stop smoking easily.
Helen Cunnie Hypnotherapist
Hypnotherapy, NLP and Reiki healing treatment. Specialises in weight control, stopping smoking, stress management and anxiety and nervous disorders.
Lewis Medical Supplies
First-aid and medial supply company. Online shop available.
Reiki Courses
Provided at Levels 1, 2, and Master/Teacher Level. Reiki healing also provided.
Sino Medica
Provides complementary health care based on acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Provides online appointment setting and an online ordering service for chinese herbs.
Stockport ME Group
The group provides local advice and information so that M.E. sufferers can manage their illness better and improve their recovery. The group produces the newsletter HERMES which is sent, free of charge, to member's home addresses.
Stockport Mental Health Guide
A directory of mental health organisations and services.
Stockport Mind
Advice service for people suffering directly or indirectly from mental distress and illness. Provides details of a variety of activies, information and contact details.
Stockport NHS
Provides information on hospitals, dentists, pharmacists, opticians and general practices.
The Stockport DRCOG Package
Provides courses for the DRCOG examination. Provides accommodation information and helpful tips on preparation.
Watford House Rest Home
Residential rest home for the elderly. Provides long term and respite care.
Young Carers
Advice and support for young people that care for older family members or friends.