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Activism and the Gay Age of Consent
Chris Morris, who campaigned successfully to equalise the age of consent in Britain, tells his own story.
Amnesty International UK LGBT Network
London based network for activists campaigning for human rights and equality. Information, history, gallery, newsletters, contact information.
Gay Organisations And Activists
London School of Economics' online archive of gay activism and history in London and Britain. The first meeting of the UK Gay Liberation Front was held at the LSE.
Hall-Carpenter Archives at LSE
The largest archive of gay activism and history in London and the UK including magazines, newspapers, sound recordings and interviews with gay men and lesbians compiled over thirty years starting 1957. This is the depository.
Hall-Carpenter Archives, London
The Hall-Carpenter archiving project. Ongoing project. Information, how to take part, contact details.
Ian McKellen Activism
Ian McKellen, actor and gay activist. Information and links.
Ivan Massow
Profile of the out gay businessman who is also active in culture and politics, who has announced that he will run for Mayor of London in 2004.
Jimmy Somerville: The Official Home Page
Official site of singer and gay activist. Public and personal biographies, history of his political activities, photographs, press cuttings, reviews, information.
London based activist group campaigning on behalf of gay men and lesbians. News, action alerts, donations, contact details, searchable database, merchandise, and media kit.