english deutsch
Batteries Plus
Reghargeable batteries for home and office. Online store and company profile.
Claridge Consultancy Ltd
Custom designed database and web design service. Includes portfolio and contacts.
Fairby Grange
Residential care home for the elderly. Includes photos of rooms, gardens and communal places, and travel directions.
Hartley Country Club
Outlines the facilities and activities available to members. Also includes club history, location and events diary.
Hartley Primary School
Features staff pictures, pupils' artwork, contacts, events and term dates.
Community site with local information, news, history, businesses, countryside and local government.
Invicta Ladies Cricket
Based at Hartley Country Club. Provides brief information and contact details.
Our Lady of Hartley Catholic Primary School
Features school calendar, examples of the pupils' work, newsletter and OfSTED report.
Parish of St Francis de Sales
Catholic parish. Contact details, parish history, Mass times. Weekly Latin Mass.