Central Chiropractic Clinic
Offers overview, services, health conditions, wellness centre, doctors, directions and questionaire.
Essex Directory of Health & Sports Centres
Directory of Health, Sports, Fitness and Leisure Clubs in Essex.
Jennifer's Natural Health & Beauty Clinic
Treatable conditions, treatments offered, prices and a map.
Lemongrass Therapies
Offers aromatherapy, reflexology, and holistic massage. Includes overview, pictures and contact details.
Leukaemia Research Fund Southend Branch
Involved in raising funds for Leukaemia Research. Fighting leukaemia, Hodgkin's disease and other lymphomas, multiple myeloma, aplastic anaemia, myelodysplasia and related diseases. Includes description of services and contact details.
Peaceful Place
Dementia charity offering day care. Includes description of services and contact details.
Southend Hospital NHS Trust
General Information on the Hospital, including information on patients, services, vacancies and the local area