Brochure Holders International Ltd
Manufacturers and suppliers of plastic leaflet brochure holders. Includes description of services and contact details.
County Broadband
Local initiative to generate demand for broadband in Coggeshall. Background details, coverage, supply and sign up.
Creative Couture
Supplier of wedding outfits. Creations, testimonials and contact.
Elegant Petals
Designers of wedding cakes. Overview, history of cakes, merchandise with photos and events.
Focus Advertising
Includes web design and creative work. Details of Macromedia Flash, html, ASP and database design.
Dollshouse's, dollshouse equipment and miniatures. Also features gifts and curiosities.
Inspired Records
Essex based mail order vinyl music specialist. Includes description of services and contact details.
Jackie Caseys English Antiques ShowCase
A selection of photographs of flowblue and blue and white transfer china. Includes description of services offered with pictures and contact details.
John K. King and Sons
Seed merchants specialising in the development of new and alternative arable crops for industrial uses and specialist food applications.
Piano Shop - Coggeshall
Supply new, pre-owned and reconditioned pianos, purchase of second hand instruments and tuning.
S.J. Electronics
Specialist Distributors of Oscilloscopes, Plotters, Digital Multimeters, Signal Sources, Power Supplies, Frequency Counters, Measurement Work Stations, Logic & Harmonic Analysers, Computer Controlled Test Equipment.