Holiday Lakeland Cycling - Sea to Sea Adventure
Fully supported cycle rides, with bed and breakfast accommodation in hotels and good quality guest houses arranged. Bike hire, and a breakdown service.
Sea to Sea Cycle Route
Pete Chase and three friends describe their trip on the coast to coast cycle route.
Sea to Sea Cycle Route
Kate and Jon Picket, Eileen and Andy Sutton, and Celia and Michael Robinson describe their cycle ride from Whitehaven to Sunderland.
Sea to Sea Cycle Route
Brief description of the route, with grid references, from the Cumbrian Mountain Bike Resource site.
The C2C Guide
Accommodation needs, tourist information , place histories, cycling tips and route details for the sea to sea cycle route.
The Coast to Coast Bike Ride
A brief diary for the build up and participation in the Coast to Coast bike ride. Anonymous (oldish) person from Newcastle.