english deutsch
Bristol (West) Methodist Circuit
A group of seven Methodist Churches who worship and serve in the North West area of Bristol. Special events and staff also map and details of churches
Bristol Methodist District
Made up of 24 circuits in 5 county areas (Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire, what was formerly Avon, and the edge of Oxfordshire). Further information on its structure, Methodist history and education in the area, list of circuits and links to the web sites of local Methodist churches in the District.
Horfield Methodist Church
Services, information, contacts, history and location. Part of the Bristol (North) circuit.
John Wesley's Chapel
The oldest Methodist Chapel in the world (1739) located in Broadmead. History, information about guided tours and publications.
Keynsham Methodist Church
Representing the two churches of Queens Road and Victoria in Bristol. Overview, services, events and contact.
Knowle and Totterdown Methodist Churches
Church information, minister's letter, activities, forthcoming events and history. Part of the Bristol (South) circuit.
Oldland Common Methodist Church
Services, notices, groups, hall bookings, events and links.
Sea Mills Methodist Church
Services times, photograph, email contact details, map and brief history of suburban place of worship.
Speedwell Methodist Church
Services, history, events, bulletin board, prayer, activities and contact details.
St Peter's Methodist Church
Broomhill. News, activities, services, meet the people, prayer and FAQs.
Victoria Methodist, Bristol
[Clifton] Services, activities, profile, history, links.
Wesley College
Ecumenical centre of Christian Education. Trains Methodist Ministers but has staff and students from other denominations. Courses and costs, library, teaching, accommodation and conference facilities, forthcoming events and magazine.
Westbury-on-Trym Methodist Church
Services, activities, mission statement, events, history, devotional material, newsletter, organ project, links and contact. Part of the Bristol, West, circuit.