english deutsch
Offices for renting, business services included. In the middle of the modernist city zone.
Concepto Residecial Urbano
Agent specialized in short term apartment rentals.
Farreras Real Estate
Sell and rent in all Barcelona and Costa Dorada district. English native Real Estate experts. English speaking lawyers.
Fincas Espalter
Real state agency in Sitges (Garraf).
Flats in Barcelona
New buildings and flats located in the center of Barcelona City. On-line reservation.
Gestion Garraf: Hotels for Sale
Specializes in selling hotels, pensions, farmhouses, rustic properties and terrains around Sitges.
Homesearch Barcelona
An independent Real estate consultory for investment in Barcelona. Residential properties in Barcelona city and Catalonia.
Metros Cuadrados Mediterraneos
Propeerty agents in Barcelona, Badalona, Sitges, Maresme, Gerona, Pirineo, Costa dorada, Costa Brava and Marbella.
Piso Barcelona
Rent apartments by days, month and years in the city.
Spanish Living Group Barcelona
They assist with property search in the city. Searching database, check mortgages and legal guidelines.