english deutsch
Eusko Alkartasuna
Association for Peace in the Basque Country
Best known by its Spanish name: Gesto por la Paz.
Basque prisoners
Campaign that asks to bring them from Spanish prisons to the Basque Country
Basque conflict: Violence in Spain
CNN Special Report about Basque conflict. Latest news, opinions, photos, website in English.
Basque Government, Basque Autonomous Community.
WebSite of the Basque Government, with information on Euskadi.
Basque Language in Spain
Study about nationalism and basque language.
Basque parlament
Basque parlament website. Oficial web page. Available in English, Spanish, French and Basque.
Basque Statistics Office
Basque Statistics Office website, social and political information about Basque country.
Basta Ya
Enough is Enough, civic Initiative against terrorism
BBC News ;Northern Ireland and the Basque conflict
Basque journalist Inigo Gurruchaga compares Northern Ireland's road to peace with the conflict in the Basque region of France and Spain.
CNN.com In-Depth Specials - Basque Conflict: Viole
Special report and analysis about basque country by CNN.com Europe
Encyclopedia: Euskadi Ta Askatasuna
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, description.
Euskal Herria Journal
Pro-independence site.
Flags of the World
Official Basque flag. History, technical explanation and comments.
Foro Eruma
Organisation for civic rights and peace. Website in Spanish and French.
Manos Blancas - White Hands
Movement that protests against ETA
Peace process in the Basque Country
New paradigms for new times: Peace process and conflict resolution in the Basque Country. A forum of ideas set up at the University of Surrey by Imanol Galfarsoro and Francisco Moraiz.
Peace in the Basque Country
Official site of the Basque autonomous government, with information about Ajuria Enea Agreement.
The Basque fight for freedom
An independentist documentary and informative site.
The Lizarra-Garazi Agreement
Details of the peace agreement, that aims to facilitate the route towards a peace process in the Basque Country.
Txoko, The Forum for Basque Critical Studies
A place for theorising politics and politicising theory. Mainly in English, some readings in Basque. Hosted by the London-based Institute of Basque Studies.