Bedrijfsbelangenvereniging Breskens
Information about the village, harbour, tourism and companies. With pictures.
Braakman Camp Site
Holiday park with campsite and bungalows. Information on possible activities and pictures. [site starts with flash - be patient]
Camping Cottage Bicycle Holidays
Information on biking from camping to camping, staying in first class cottages.
Holiday home in Zeeland
Vacation house located near the North Sea beach in the Veerse Meer.
Hotel-Pension Zoom-Oord , Hogezoom
Situated near the town centre,only 15 min. from the beach (by foot). The hotel is surrounded by a rustic garden.
Hotel-Restaurant de Milliano
Four-star hotel, located in Breskens. Information on rooms and appartments, with pictures and prices.
Zeeland Philately
Regional postal history and associated philately from Netherland's Zeeland area.
Zilveren Maan
A holiday bungalow in Zoutelande. With pictures of scenery and prices.