english deutsch
Largest bank in The Netherlands provides an overview of products and services, information for shareholders and analysts, career opportunities and a company profile.
Accountant specialized in providing international companies with advice on legal, tax and accounting regulations in The Netherlands.
Banco do Brasil S.A.
Amsterdam branch of this bank offers a company profile and information on its operations.
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (Holland) N.V.
Provides full service banking facilities to its clients, both local Japanese corporations and Dutch corporate clients.
Seed and early stage participation fund assists in launching start-up companies in the pharmaceutical and biomedical fields.
Ceramic Partners B.V.
Scientific consultant for financial companies, actively involved as initiator and participator in new ventures related to high-tech ceramic technologies and products.
Business center helping businesses getting started in the Netherlands. Located in four major cities. Contact details provided.
Financial advisors for expatriates.
Advice for expatriats in The Netherlands regarding taxes, insurance, mortgages and investments.
Inclusion Group
Develop and implement nation-wide payment and service infrastructures for the mass market in emerging countries.
MedSciences Capital
Independent venture capital fund that invests exclusively in early stage human life sciences companies.
Montesquieu Finance
Provides treasury consulting and financial engineering services.
N.M.T. Group
Trust and management services.
Netherlands American Commerce Network
Provides information to promote, and stimulate commercial interests and trade between The Netherlands and the United States of America.
New Markets
Corporate finance consultants focusing on Central and Eastern Europe.
Pijnenburg Beheer NV
Invests in companies that develop, produce and sell consumer electronic products for the OEM market.
Rodamco Asia
Property investment company operating in Asia, listed on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. Information for prospective costumers, on the company and its portfolio.
Sovereign BV
Offers a wide range of services in the field of corporate and public finance. Specializes in cash and treasury management, risk and debt management.
Stock Guide
Offers charts, quotes and interviews for the American and Dutch financial markets.