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Business and Economy
Absolut, Bosco Italia S.p.A., Erbe Aromatiche Pancalieri, F.lli Levra, ITP, Kelmer, Mec Saroglia, Savio, Sicme Motori Spa, Tema International
Architecture of Turin
Buildings of Turin in the Great Buildings Online database: images, descriptions and sources.
Cityvox Turin
An interactive guide for Turin with addresses for dining, drinking, shopping, clubbing, visiting, and information on entertainment, accommodation, and daily life.
Italian language school for foreigners. Application form and information on accommodations, policies, method, and schedule.
Dojo Mokusho
Member of the Soto Zen school, following the teachings of the Master Taisen Deshimaru. Offers daily zazen practice.
Extra Torino
Guide to the city. Includes history, culture leisure and facilities.
Institute for Scientific Interchange
The ISI is an indipendent, private institution devoted to the encouragement, support and patronage of science. Research, education, events and opening positions.
Scarsi, Enrico
Offers a gallery presentation of the photographers work including portraits, landscapes and other scenes.
The Shroud of Turin
Photos and current information on Shroud research.
Tourism and Translations in Turin
Offers guided tours and translations online.
Turin Airport
Information about flights, means of transportation and local area.
The official site of the City of Turin provides a newsletter, with links to tourist information.