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Grand Hotel Villa Fiorio
Four star hotel situated in a villa in the area of the Roman Castles near Frascati. Description of services, photo gallery, prices and online reservation form.
Grand Hotel Villa Tuscolana La Rufinella
Four stars. Includes overview, images, facilities, location details, rates and reservations.
Hotel Bellavista
Three star centrally located accommodation. Includes description, services, prices and reservations.
Hotel Colonna
Three stars. Includes presentation of the accommodation, services, local information, prices and contact details.
Hotel Flora
Centrally located family run accommodation. Includes description, services, images, rates and reservations.
Hotel Villa Maria Luigia
20 room villa accommodation with private park. Includes description, images, services, prices and booking.
Park Hotel Villa Grazioli
Four star. Virtual tour, images, description and pricing.
Villa Campitelli
Includes presentation, history, services, location, rates and reservations.
Villa Icidia
Three star hotel with restaurant. Includes overview, images, location details, rates and reservations.