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Business and Economy
Alfieri Enterprise, Althea S.p.A., B & C Business & Consulting S.r.l., Farma, R. Bardi, Restaurant Parma Rotta, Rodolfi Mansueto S.p.A., SOON Cucine d'Italia, Zarotti
Hotel in Parma
Information and online booking.
Information, art and history of Parma, an Italian town renowned for its culture as well as gastronomy. News, tourism, shopping, real estate, accommodation.
Parma, Italy - home of the Baccarinis and Sandolfi
Pictures of Parma for those of us who are descended from families that started here.
Shopping on-line for famous gastronomical products of Parma, real estate, and tours.
Promo Parma
Consortium representing almost all the hotels in Parma and vicinity, as well as restaurants, tourist guides and businesses. Hotel, restaurant and package vacations online reservation.
Studio Linguistico Giochi di Parole
Offers private language lessons in italian, English, French and Japanese. Includes profile, description of services and testimonials.
The best of Parma
Touristic and cultural information about the city.
Veab Italia