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Connolly Ain't Nothing but a Train Station in
Article by Jacqueline Dana exploring the expropriation of Connolly's name and legacy by Irish republicans who have no commitment to or understanding of his ideas.
Connolly and the 1916 Easter Uprising
Article by Ted Grant on Connolly's role in the rising.
Connolly and the Easter Rising
On the 85th anniversary of the Easter Rising, Alan Woods and Ted Grant look at the life and ideas of the great Irish revolutionary socialist James Connolly.
Corpus of Electronic Texts: James Connolly
Site includes various works about Irish republicanism by Connolly including "the Worker's Republic," "Socialism and Nationalism" and "The Reconquest of Ireland" and a chronology of his life.
Irish Rebel Songs: James Connolly
A song in memory of the Irish revolutionary.
James Connolly and Irish Freedom:A Marxist Analysi
Pamphlet published in 1926 examining Connolly's ideas and his contribution to the Irish cause.
James Connolly Society
Organisation dedicated to promoting Connolly's ideas. Includes a biography of the Irish revolutionary, writings by Connolly, and information about the society.
Socialism and Nationalism
A series of essays on the integration of Irish republicanism and socialism written by James Connolly in 1897. .
The James Connolly Internet Archive
Extensive archive of works by Connolly who was founder of the Irish Socialist Revolutionary Party, a trade union organiser, and a leader in the 1916 Easter Rising.