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12 Gods Hotel
Information about the environment, pictures and room rates of this hotel located in Pylos.
Akti Taygetos Hotel
View the rooms and suites, find out about banquet facilities, or find out about amenities; located on the beach in Mikra Mantineia in the foothills of Mount Taygetos.
Elite Hotel
Information about environment, facilities, rates and online booking for this hotel based in Kalamata.
Galaxy Hotel
C' class hotel with 36 rooms, located in the center of Kalamata. Information on facilities and restaurant.
Lefktron Hotel
Located in the beautiful village of Stoupa. Site contains regional information, details about the hotel facilities and has online booking. In English and Greek.
Logga Beach Hotel
Facilities, pictures and contact information for this hotel located close to Kalamata.
Notos Hotel
A boutique hotel located in Kardamili; includes profile, facilities, gallery, rates and reservation form.
Paris Village
Offers apartment style accommodations near the beach in Chrani; provides information about the area, services, amenities, and contact details.
Vardia Hotel
Traditional family accommodation built above the stone towers of the old town of Kardamili; includes photos, prices, room descriptions, and details on amenities.
Villas Lithos
A villa complex located in Stoupa: includes profile, services and gallery.