Offers information about this village located in the western corner of Paliki peninsula; includes photo gallery and forum.
Come To Kefalonia
Offering photographs, message board, travel shop, local information plus reviews.
Guide to Kefalonia
General touristic site about Kefalonia with presentations on resorts and sightseeing as well as traveller's tales and information on environmental issues.
Kefallonia Links, Stories and Adventures
Comprehensive guide to this Ionian island. Includes Corelli's Mandolin filming info, travelogues, tourist information and real estate.
Kefalonia The Way to Go
Comprehensive site about the island for visitors and islanders. Includes touristic information, walking and wildlife, local businesses as well as details of local issues.
Kefalonia Virtual Visitor Centre
A guide to the island from Friends of Kefalonia, offering comprehensive information including photographs, reviews of resorts and beaches, plus contact details.
Database about the island including tourist spots, government, local newspapers, maps and guides. Also features a forum and chat.
Our Kefalonian Sunshine Photograph Gallery
A gallery of photographs from around the Ionian island of Kefalonia offering a visual insight from a visitors point of view.
The Greek Island of Cephallonia
Guide to the island with links to weather, general information, message board and chat room.