english deutsch
Artemon Hotel
Offers information on this hotel located in the village of Artemon; includes profile, facilities, rates and reservation form.
Hotel Alexandros
Includes photos, rates, availability, and information for this B' Class hotel, located in Platys Gialos.
Lighthouse Hotel
Offers information on this hotel located in Faros; includes profile, facilities and reservation form.
Myrto Hotel and Bungalows
Facilities, prices and contact information of this hotel and bungalows/ apartments in Artemonas.
Niriedes Hotel
Offers accommodations overlooking the sea in Platys Gialos; includes photos, room descriptions, details on facilities, and contact information.
Patriarca Hotel
A boutique hotel located in Appolonia; includes profile, facilities and contact form.
Petali Hotel
Rates, facilities and online booking for this traditional hotel, located in Artemonas.