Achaios Hotel
Includes photos and contact information for accommodations in Niforeika.
Castella Beach Hotel
Includes photos, room descriptions, and rates for this accommodation overlooking the water at Allissos, near Patras.
Filoxenia Hotel
Facilities, rates and contact information of this hotel located in Kalavrita.
Hotel Kanelli Beach -
A family hotel located in Selianitika, a small Greek fishing village , by the sea and also near most important ancient sites of the Peloponesse. With information about the region, maps, facilities and prices.
Hotel Mike
Situated in Epidavros, Peloponnese. Site gives information about the region and its history, and about hotel facilities and prices.
Kynaitha Hotel
Profile, services, rates and contact information of this hotel located in Kalavrita.
Poseidon Hotels
Find out about these three accommodations near the center of Patra; includes details on amenities, room descriptions, rates, and a reservation form.