Biomedical Association
Promoting research activity of biomedical scientists at a national and international level.
Cardiological Society
Aiming to promote the field of cardiology and to attain the best possible scientific working conditions for cardiologists in Greece.
Hellenic Association of Ergotherapists
Offers announcements, helpful links and contact information for the association.
Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies (
Members of SFEE are 60 Pharmaceutical enterprises operating in Greece which cover all innovative medicinal products as well as 90% of the pharmaceutical market.
Panhellenic Society of Radiotechnologists
Greek xray technologists site, in Greek and English. Activities and agenda.
Panhellenic Union Paraplegic and Physically Challe
A vehicle through which paraplegics and physically challenged can be helped to project their right to isonomy, parity and equal opportunities.