english deutsch
Belgium - Brussels
Permanent representation of Greece to Belgium, the European Union and to NATO. Details on their mission, and background articles.
Canada - Montreal
With contact information for the Consulate General of Hellenic Republic In Montreal, and also for the other Greek posts in Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver.
Canada - Ottawa
Greek Embassy in Ottawa, with consular information and links to Greek government websites. In English and Greek.
Canada - Toronto
Consulate of Greece in Toronto, providing consular services, announcements and business and tourism information about Greece.
Canada - Vancouver
Has a short history of the Consulate of Greece in Vancouver, the area of jurisdiction of which includes British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwestern Territories, Yukon and Nunavut.
Croatia - Zagreb
Embassy of Greece in Zagreb, with consular information.
Ethiopia - Addis Ababa
Embassy of Greece in Addis Ababa, with comment on Greek foreign policy, and visa and consular information.
Finland - Helsinki
Includes contact information for the Embassy of Greece in Helsinki, and also for the Honorary Consulate in Turku.
France - Grenoble
Includes a history of the Consulate of Greece in Grenoble.
Georgia - Tbilisi
Economic and Commercial Affairs Office of the Embassy of Greece in the Republic of Georgia, with information on shipping, taxes, privatisation, and a list of treaties and bilateral agreements.
India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh
Embassy of Greece located in New Delhi and accredited to India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Includes contact information for the Honorary Consulates General of Greece in Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkatta, Colombo, Kathmandu, and Dhaka, and the Honorary Consulate of Greece in Chittagong.
Indonesia - Jakarta
Greek Embassy in Jakarta, with official statements and consular information, including an explanation of family shares.
Japan - Tokyo
Has press and other statements from the Embassy of Greece in Japan.
Pakistan - Islamabad
Includes contact details for the Embassy of Greece in Islamabad, and the Honorary Consulates General of Greece in Karachi and Lahore.
Poland - Warsaw
Embassy of Greece in Warsaw, including information on Greece, tourism, and the Hellenic armed forces.
Slovakia - Bratislava
With visa information from the Embassy of Greece in Bratislava.
United Kingdom - London
With consular, cultural, economic and tourism sections. Also has Greek fonts in the style of Arial and Times New Roman.
United Kingdom - Southampton
Honorary Vice-Consulate of Greece in Southampton, with contact details and information on the Greek flag.
United Nations - New York
Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations, with an overview of contributions and priorities, calendar of meetings, and who's who.
United States - Boston
Consulate General of Greece in Boston with information on visa and citizenship.
United States - Washington
Includes contact information for the Embassy of Greece in Washington DC, and also for the Consulates General in New York, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and the Consulates in Atlanta, Houston, and New Orleans.