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Historic Buildings
European Heritage Network
Architects Council of Europe
Association of European architects organizations. Excludes the UK and Netherlands.
Architects in Europe
Searchable database, by name or location, of architects throughout Europe. Also includes news and competitions.
Cultural Heritage in the Council of Europe
Official overview of Council of Europe initiatives on architectural heritage. French and English languages.
Digital Archive of European Architecture
Prof. Jeffery Howe gives examples of prehistoric, Roman, Romanesque, Gothic, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th century architecture.
Discovering Contemporary Architecture in Athens, P
City tours using maps, with photographs, dates and details of 20th and 21st-century buildings. Part of the European Union's Culture 2000 program.
Organizes European competitions for new architecture on themes related to urbanism. Activities, publications, themes, results. French and English versions.