english deutsch
Albania and the IMF
Material about the country and its activities with the International Monetary Fund.
Albania Small Business Credit and Assistance Proje
Project which promotes the economic growth of communities through the development of the country's small and medium enterprises. Provides information on the project and its impact, credit loans, technical assistance and industrial clusters where the project has assisted.
Albanian American Trade and Development Associatio
Non-profit organisation aiming to promote the development of trade and investment between the two countries. Includes a country profile, information on staff, services, activities, membership, Corridor 8 LED project, and business estabilishment and opportunities.
Albanian Development Fund
Organisation aiming to improve local infrastructure and promote economic development of the private sector, especially among the poorer segments of the Albanian population. Provides informationon the organisation, its progress, projects and their locations, and donors.
Albanian Economic Development Agency
Government agency with responsibility for development of a favorable business climate for foreign and local investment. Includes profile of the country and information on foreign investment, banking and insurance.
Economic Reconstruction and Development in South E
Contains information on the country provided from the European Commission and the World Bank. Includes news, country profile, information on European Commision and the World Bank support, press releases and background documents.
Foreign Investment Promotion Agency
Governmental organisation that aims to attract, promote and hold on to foreign investments in the country. Includes information on the organisation, a country overview and investment advantages, economic sectors overview, business guide, latest news and publications.
Foreign Investors Association of Albania
FIAA is a clearinghouse and promoter of investment. Provides information on the organisation and its board of directors, services, participation and contacts. Includes a country profile and a members list.
World Bank in Albania
The World Bank's mission in Albania is to help the country achieve economic and social development while it moves closer to Europe. Provides information on the organization, projects and programs, development topics, news and events, publications and reports, and contacts.