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Beach Nuts Vacations
Property management operation. Shows several properties for lease, includes some photos, rental pricing and contact information.
Calabash Cottages
Information, pictures, and rates for vacation rental of cottages with hot tub in Coral Bay.
Carefree Get-Aways
Information, pictures, and rates for rental of villas and condos including ocean view and waterfront homes from luxury to affordable.
Caribbean Villas & Resorts Management Co.
Information, pictures, rates, availability and last minute discount information for vacation rental properties and villas.
Caribe Havens Vacation Home Rentals
Presents private vacation rental homes available for rental with brief descriptions, pictures, and rates.
Catered To
Rental agency offering privately owned vacation rental homes and villas. Includes pictures, descriptions, rates, and discounts.
Destination St. John Property Management
Pictures, descriptions of properties, rates, and brochure request form for vacation rental of homes and villas.
Frank Bay Villas
An agency offering properties near Cruz Bay. Features a photo gallery of beaches, bars, restaurants, and activities and a map of the island.
Goin2Travel St. John Vacation Rentals
Offers vacation rentals with information, pictures, rates, and contact information.
Great Caribbean Getaways
Rental agency offering homes and properties for vacation rental from affordable to luxury. The site provides detailed descriptions, pictures, rates, travel tips, and a map.
Island Getaways
A source for villa rentals on the islands. Detailed information about the properties, photos, rates and conditions.
Seaview Vacation Homes
Rental agency offering homes and villas for vacation rental. Descriptions, features, rates, and pictures of rental homes with pools, jacuzzis, beaches, and ocean views. Also includes map, boat charter recommendations, and ferry schedule.
St. John Properties, Inc.
Rental agency offering homes and condos for vacation rental. Includes portfolio of properties with rates and availability.
St. John Vacation Villa Rentals
Offers a variety of properties from a one bedroom cottage and condo, through a 7 bedroom house. Information about the island, underwater photo gallery, index of the houses, and contact information.
Suite St. John
Offers condominiums for vacation rental at Gallows Point and Lavender Hill Estates. Also offers Cinnamon Bay Estate, a house above Cinnamon Bay Beach. Information, pictures, and rates for each location.
VI Villas
Properties in Coral Bay, waterfront, beachside lounge, barbecue, wetbar, garden spa, shower. Details on villas, calendar, contact information.
Virgin Islands Vacations and Villas
Rental agency offering vacation villas and homes with descriptions, pictures, rates, and dates of availability. Vacation packages, recommendations of services, and recommendations of select villas for weddings.
Windspree Vacation Homes
Rental agency offering vacation home rentals in Coral Bay. Includes pictures, rates, floor plans, recommendations, and map.